VIC SES Sandbag use guide

There are many things that you can do to ensure that wet weather won’t ruin your day. While sandbags won’t stop floodwater completely but can reduce the amount of water entering your home or business.

We’ve compiled some helpful information below from the Victoria State Emergency Service. To access more information visit

Where can I collect sandbags:

In preparedness you can access sandbags at your local hardware store, or in some cases by enquiring with local council via their website.

During significant events, VIC SES may establish sandbag collection points within impacted communities.

Mount Alexander Shire Council has organised for sandbags to be available at ASQ Garden & Landscape for flood barriers. Visit 3 Miners Court (Corner Langslow Street and Martin Street) to collect. Please note that while the Hessian bags are FREE, you'll need to purchase sand to fill them, Hessian bags are limited to 25 per customer. 1/2 a cubic metre of sand will fill 25 bags. 


How to use sandbags:

It’s important that you know how to correctly fill, lay, and place sandbags. The VIC SES have put together very helpful guide, click below on the image and it will open in a new tab. 

Visit to access heaps more helpful information.


Stay up to date:

Please make sure you stay informed and monitor local conditions by visiting:

Don’t forget to use multiple sources to stay up to date:

  • VicEmergency Hotline - freecall 1800 226 226
  • VicEmergency app
  • Facebook or Twitter (#vicfloods)
  • Tune in to ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated community radio stations.


Also, A big thanks goes out to our works team who have been doing an incredible job creating flood barriers, clearing trees and un-blocking drains over the last few weeks! We really appreciate all your hard work.

Image source: Mount Alexander Shire Council